VI Sem Bcom Syllabus.....GFGC GBD 30th May 2022




To introduce the students to various Business Regulations and familiarize them with common issues of relevance.


UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS LAWS                                                                                                                      06 Hrs

Introduction, Nature of Law, Meaning and Definition of Business Laws, Scope and Sources of Business Laws.


UNIT 2: CONTRACT LAWS                                                                                                                18Hrs

Indian Contract Act, 1872: Definition of Contract, essentials of a valid contract, classification of contracts, remedies for breach of contract.

Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Definition of contract of sale, essentials of contract of sale, conditions and warrantees, rights and duties of buyer, rights of an unpaid seller.


UNIT 3: COMPETITION AND CONSUMER LAWS:                                                                                                                      14 Hrs

The Competition Act, 2002: Objectives of Competition Act, Features of Competition Act, CAT,

offences and penalties under the Act, Competition Commission of India.

Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Definition of the terms consumer, consumer dispute, defect, deficiency, unfair trade practices and services. Rights of the consumer under the Act, Consumer Redressal Agencies – District Forum, State Commission, National Commission.


UNIT 4: ECONOMIC LAWS                                                                                                                      12 Hrs

Indian Patent Laws and WTO Patent Rules: Meaning of IPR, invention and non-invention, procedure to get patent, restoration and surrender of lapsed patent, infringement of patent,

FEMA 1999: Objects of FEMA, salient features of FEMA, definition of important terms: authorized person, currency, foreign currency, foreign exchange, foreign security, offences and penalties.

UNIT 5: ENVIRONMENTAL LAW                                                                                                                      06 Hrs

Environment Protection Act, 1986: Objects of the Act, definitions of important terms: environment, environment pollutant, environment pollution, hazardous substance and occupier, types of pollution, rules and powers of central government to protect environment in India.


·        Prepare a chart showing sources of business law and Indian Constitution Articles having economic significance.

·        Draft an agreement on behalf of an MNC to purchase raw materials indicating therein terms and conditions and all the essentials of a valid contract.

·        Draft an application to the Chief Information Officer of any government office seeking information about government spending.

·        Draft digital signature certificate.

·        Draft a complaint to District Consumer Forum on the deficiency of service in a reputed corporate hospital for medical negligence.

·        Collect leading cyber-crimes cases and form groups in the class room and conduct group discussion.

·        Draft a constructive and innovative suggestions note on global warming reduction.



1.       K. Aswathappa, Business Laws, HPH,

2.       Bulchandni, Business Laws, HPH.

3.       K. Venkataramana, Business Regulations, SHBP.

4.       Kamakshi P & Srikumari P – Business Regulations, VBH.

5.       N.D. Kapoor, Business Laws, Sultan chand publications.

6.       S.S Gulshan Business Law

7.       S.C. Sharma: Business Law I.K. International Publishers

8.       Tulsion Business Law, TMH.



This subject aims at imparting knowledge about the principles and methods of auditing and their applications.


Unit 1: INTRODUCTION TO AUDITING                                                                                                                      12 Hrs

Introduction – Meaning - Definition – Objectives – Differences between Accountancy and Auditing – Types of Audit - Advantages of Auditing – Preparation before commencement of new Audit – Audit Notebook Audit Working Papers Audit Program, Recent Trends in Auditing: Nature & Significance of Tax Audit – Cost Audit - Management Audit.


Unit 2: INTERNAL CONTROL                                                                                                                      10 Hrs

Internal Control: Meaning and objectives. Internal Check: Meaning, objectives and fundamental principles. Internal Check as regards: Wage Payments, Cash Sales, Cash Purchases. Internal Audit: Meaning - Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Audit – Differences between Internal Check and Internal Audit.


Unit 3: VOUCHING                                                                                                                      12 Hrs

Meaning - Definition Importance Routine Checking and Vouching Voucher -Types of Vouchers

   Vouching of Receipts: Cash Sales, Receipts from debtors, Proceeds of the sale of Investments. Vouching of Payments: Cash Purchases, Payment to Creditors, Deferred Revenue Expenditure.

Unit 4: VERIFICATION AND VALUATION OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES                                                                                                                      12 Hrs

Meaning and Objectives of verification and valuation– Position of an Auditor as regards the Valuation of Assets – Verification and Valuation of different Items: Assets: Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Goodwill – Investments - Stock in Trade. Liabilities: Bills Payable - Sundry Creditors – Contingent Liabilities.

Unit 5: AUDIT OF LIMITED COMPANIES AND OTHERS                                                                                                                      10 Hrs

Company Auditor – Appointment – Qualification - Powers - Duties and Liabilities – Professional Ethics of an Auditor. Audit of Educational Institutions – Audit of Insurance Companies- Audit of Co- operative societies.


·        Collect the information about types of audit conducted in any one Organization

·        Visit an audit firm, write about the procedure followed by them in Auditing the books of accounts of a firm.

·        Draft an investigation report on behalf of a Public Limited Company

·        Record the verification procedure with respect to any one fixed asset.

·        Draft an audit program.



1.         P N Reddy & Appannaiah, Auditing, HPH

2.         TR Sharma, Auditing, Sahitya Bhavan

3.         BN Tandon, Practical Auditing, Sultan Chand

4.         Dr. Nanje Gowda, Principles of Auditing, VBH

5.         Dr. Alice Mani: Principles & Practices of Auditing, SBH.

6.         K. Venkataramana, Principles And Practice Of Auditing, SHBP.

7.         MS Ramaswamy, Principles and Practice of Auditing.

8.         Dinakar Pagare, Practice of Auditing, Sultan Chand

9.         Kamal Gupta, Practical Auditing, TMH

10.     R.G Sexena - Principles and Practice of Auditing, HPH



The Objective of this subject is to make the students to understand the computation of Taxable Income and Tax Liability of individuals.


Unit 1: PROFITS AND GAINS FROM BUSINESS OR PROFESSION                                                                                                                      16 Hrs

Meaning and Definition of Business, Profession Vocation - Expenses Expressly Allowed Allowable Losses Expenses Expressly Disallowed Expenses Allowed on Payment Basis - Problems on Business relating to Sole Trader and Problems on Profession relating to Chartered Accountant, Advocate and Medical Practitioner.


Unit 2: CAPITAL GAINS                                                                                                                      16 Hrs

Basis of Charge – Capital Assets – Transfer of Capital Assets – Computation of Capital Gains – Exemptions U/S 54, 54B, 54D, 54EC, 54F– Problems on Capital Gains.


Unit 3: INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES                                                                                                                      10 Hrs

Incomes – Taxable under the head Other Sources – Securities – Kinds of Securities – Rules for Grossing Up – Ex-Interest Securities – Cum-Interest Securities – Bond Washing Transactions – Problems on Income from Other Sources.


Unit 4: DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS TOTAL INCOME                                                                                                                      06 Hrs

Deductions u/s: 80 C, 80 CCC, 80 CCD, 80 D, 80 G, 80 GG, 80 GGA, and 80 U. (80 G & 80 GG

together should not be given in one problem)


Unit   5:   SET-OFF    CARRY   FORWARD   OF          LOSSES AND ASSESSMENT OF INDIVIDUALS                                                                                         08Hrs

Meaning –Provision for Set-off & Carry forward of losses (Theory only).

Computation of Total Income and Tax Liability of an Individual Assessee (Problems– in case of income from salary & house property- computed income may be given).



·        Table of rates of Tax deducted at source.

·        Filing of IT returns of individuals.

·        List of Enclosures for IT returns.



1.      Dr. Vinod K. Singhania: Direct Taxes Law and Practice, Taxmann publication.

2.      B.B. Lal: Direct Taxes, Konark Publisher (P) ltd.

3.      Dinakar Pagare: Law and Practice of Income Tax, Sultan Chand and sons.

4.      Gaur & Narang: Income Tax, Kalyani

5.      B.B. Lal: Income Tax, Central Sales Tax Law & Practice, Konark Publisher (P) Ltd.

6.      Singhania: Income Tax

7.      Dr. H.C Mehrothra : Income Tax, Sahitya Bhavan

8.      7 Lecturer Income Tax – VBH



The objective of this subject is to enable the students to understand the analysis and interpretation of financial statements with a view to prepare management reports for decision-making.


UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING                                                                                                                      12 Hrs

Management Accounting: Meaning Definition Objectives Nature and Scope– Role of Management Accountant – Relationship between Financial Accounting and Management Accounting, Relationship between Cost Accounting and Management Accounting.

Analysis of Financial Statements: Types of Analysis – Methods of Financial Analysis – Problems on Comparative Statement analysis – Common Size Statement analysis and Trend Analysis.


UNIT2: RATIO ANALYSIS                                                                                                                      14 Hrs

Meaning and Definition of Ratio, Classification of Ratios, Uses & Limitations – Meaning and types of Ratio Analysis – Calculation of Liquidity ratios, Profitability ratios and Solvency ratios.


UNIT 3: FUND FLOW ANALYSIS                                                                                                                      10 Hrs

Meaning and Concept of Fund Meaning and Definition of Fund Flow Statement Uses and Limitations of Fund Flow Statement – Differences between Cash Flow Statement and Fund Flow Statement - Procedure for preparation of Fund Flow Statement – Statement of changes in Working Capital – Statement of Funds from Operations – Statement of Sources and Applications of Funds – Problems.


UNIT 4: CASH FLOW ANALYSIS                                                                                                                      14 Hrs

Meaning and Definition of Cash Flow Statement – Concept of Cash and Cash Equivalents - Uses of Cash Flow Statement – Limitations of Cash Flow Statement – Provisions of Ind AS-7 (old AS 3) – Procedure for preparation of Cash Flow Statement – Cash Flow from Operating Activities – Cash Flow from Investing Activities and Cash Flow from Financing Activities – Preparation of Cash Flow Statement according to Ind AS-7 (old AS 3) (Indirect Method Only).


UNIT 5: MANAGEMENT REPORTING                                                                                                                      06 Hrs

Meaning of Management Reporting – Requisites of a Good Reporting System – Principles of Good Reporting System Kinds of Reports – Drafting of Reports under different Situations.



·        Collection of financial statements of any one organization for two years and preparing comparative statements

·        Collection of financial statements of any two organization for two years and prepare a common Size Statements

·        Collect statements of an Organization and Calculate Important Accounting Ratio’s

·        Draft a report on any crisis in an organization.



1.       Dr. S.N. Maheswari , Management Accounting

2.       Sexana, Management Accounting

3.       SudhindraBhat- Management Accounting

4.       Dr. S.N. Goyal and Manmohan, Management Accounting

5.       B.S. Raman, Management Accounting

6.       Sharma and Gupta, Management Accounting

7.       M Muniraju& K Ramachandra, Management Accounting

8.       PN Reddy &Appanaiah, Essentials of Management Accounting.

9.       J.Made Gowda - Management Accounting






The objective is to enable the students to understand assessment of Firms and Companies with regard to Income tax act, 1961and to study the other existing Indirect tax provisions on goods not covered under GST.


Unit 1: CUSTOMS ACT                                                                                                                      10 Hrs

Meaning – Types of Custom Duties – Valuation for Customs Duty – Tariff Value – Customs Value – Methods of Valuation for Customs Problems on Custom Duty.


Unit 2: SALES TAX / CENTRAL SALES TAX (on goods and services not covered under GST)

12 Hrs Meaning and Definition – Features of Sales tax / CST – Levy and Collection of duties not covered under GST– Tax Administration – Taxable value of goods and services not covered under GST – Determination of Tax Liability (Simple Problems).


Unit 3: ASSESSMENT OF FIRMS                                                                                                                      14 Hrs

Meaning of Partnership, Firm and Partners – New Scheme of Taxation of Firms – Assessment of Firms (Section 184) – Computation of Firm’s Business Income – Treatment of Interest, Commission, Remuneration received by partners. Problems on Computation of Firms total income and tax liability.


Unit 4: ASSESSMENT OF COMPANIES                                                                                                                      20 Hrs

Introduction – Meaning of Company – Types of Companies – Computation of Depreciation u/s 32 – Computation of Taxable Income of Companies – Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT) – Deductions u/s 80G, 80GGB, 80IA, 80 IB and Problems on Computation of Tax Liability.



·        Collect financial statement of a firm and compute the taxable income

·        Narrate the procedure for calculation of book profits.

·        Narrate the Procedure of calculation of tax liability

·        Prepare the challan for payment of tax under existing laws on goods not covered under GST.



1.         Vinod K Singhania – “Direct Taxes - Law and Practice”, Taxmann Publications

2.         H C Mehrotra and Goyal, “Direct Taxes”, Sahitya Bhavan Publications

3.         Gaur and Narang ; Direct Taxes, Kalyani Publishers

4.         Rajiva S. Mishra –Direct & Indirect Tax

5.         Santhil & Santhil : Business taxation.

6.         S. Bhat Taxation Management.

7.         Singhania : Income Tax

8.         V.S.Datey: Indirect Taxes – Law and Practice.

9.         R. G. Saha, Usha Devi & Others Taxation HPH

10.     7 Lecturers Business Taxation II, VBH




The objective is to enable the students to understand techniques used to control as well as reduce the cost.


UNIT 1: COST CONTROL AND COST REDUCTION:                                                                                                                      08 Hrs

Meaning of cost control and cost reduction, areas covered by cost control and cost reduction – product design, target costing, value analysis, value engineering, value chain analysis, Business Process Re- Engineering (theory only).


Unit 2: MARGINAL COSTING                                                                                                                      12 Hrs

Absorption costing, cost classification under absorption costing, Meaning and Definition of marginal costing – Absorption Costing V/s Marginal Costing - Need for Marginal Costing, arguments against and in favor of marginal costing marginal cost equation Uses and Limitations of Marginal Costing

- Break even analysis - Problems on Break Even Analyses.


Unit 3: STANDARD COSTING                                                                                                                      12 Hrs

Historical costing - Introduction – Meaning & Definition of Standard Cost and Standard Costing - Advantages & Disadvantages of Standard Costing –preliminaries in establishing system of standard costing Variance Analysis Material Variance, Labour Variance and Overheads Variance Problems on Material Variances and Labor Variances.


Unit 4: BUDGETARY CONTROL                                                                                                                      12 Hrs

Introduction – Meaning & Definition of Budget and Budgetary Control – Objectives of Budgetary Control – essential requirements of budgetary control – advantages and disadvantages of budgetary control – Meaning, Types of Functional Budgets - Flexible Budgets, Cash Budgets, sales budget and production budget. Problems on Flexible budgets and cash budgets.


UNIT5: ACTIVITY BASED COSTING                                                                                                                      12 Hrs

Introduction - Weakness of conventional system concept of ABC Kaplan and Cooper’s Approach

cost drivers and cost pools allocation of overheads under ABC Characteristics of ABC Steps in the implementation of ABC – Benefits from adaptation of ABC system – difficulties faced by the industries in the successful implementation of ABC - Problems on ABC.



·        Preparation of Income Statement using Absorption Costing and Marginal Costing Technique

·        Illustrate make or buying decisions helps in decision making.

·        Preparation of Sales Budget with Imaginary Figures

·        List any 10 industries where Standard Costing is used.



1.         S P Iyengar, Cost Accounting.

2.         B.S. Raman, Cost Accounting.

3.         K.S. Thakur: Cost Accounting.

4.         M.N. Arora, Cost Accounting.

5.         N. Prasad, Costing.

6.         Palaniappan&Hariharan : Cost Accounting

7.         Jain &Narang, Cost Accounting.

8.         Gouri Shankar; Practical Costing.

9.         IM Pandey :Management Accounting

10.      CA & ICWA Bulletins.


Placement Incubation

Prepare the accounting Equations for the following transactions 31.08.2023

AFA test question Paper to be held on 23rd July 2023 at 9 am.

AFA Test question Paper on 23rd July 2023 at 9 am.