
Showing posts from June 6, 2022

Why Failure Is Good for Learning, and How It Applies to Your Struggling Students

  Most of us, if given a choice, want to do things right on the first try; no one wants to fail. But did you know that our mistakes actually breed more success in the long run? As it turns out, mistakes are integral to the learning process. Failure not only improves information recall but critical thinking, too. Students, however, don’t always understand the full learning potential of their mistakes.[5] When confronted with failure, it’s easy for them to feel ashamed or believe success is too far out of reach. But if we can help students redefine what a mistake is, we can teach them a valuable lesson about improvement and learning. In this article, we’ll discuss the research behind how failure helps students more in the long-term than success. Then, we’ll go over a few tips and active learning strategies that can help you support struggling learners. We Learn More from Failure, Not Success: Here’s Why What’s the key to learning from mistakes?  Reflection . Making (and correcting) mista

Digital Assets: The Future Of Capital Markets

  For many years, certain parts of financial markets have been burdened by unnecessary restrictions leading to inefficiencies regarding the free allocation of capital. The upcoming broad applications of digital assets promise to change this. This article serves as an introduction to the topic of digital assets and describes some of the associated opportunities and challenges for retail investors, institutional investors, and financial service providers. Legacy markets have long faced obstructions stemming from limitations on asset class availability, the difficulty of cross-border transfers, and minimum capital requirements, to name a few. Considering the possibilities and universal applicability of digital assets, all market participants stand to benefit from at the very least becoming familiar with the topic and possibly even developing a strategy for the capital markets of tomorrow.  Introduction  Similar to "Blockchain", "Digital Assets" is yet another term that