
Showing posts from June 16, 2022

Time sense and management tips to the students

  Time Management Tips for Busy College Students April 19, 2018  |  Purdue University Global Time is a finite resource. Balancing responsibilities at your job, home, and school is not easy. No matter what, you’re always left with the same 24 hours in a day to check items off to-do lists, spend time with family and friends, and unwind. By planning ahead and using your time wisely, you’ll be able to accomplish more and enjoy added free time. Follow these eight time management tips and strategies to ensure that you meet deadlines, are well prepared for exams, and have time for yourself while pursuing a  college degree . 1. Identify Time-Wasters and Set Goals It’s easy to get distracted. Pay attention to what draws your focus away from your studies and assignments. Are you spending too much time checking social media? Are you prone to texting and answering personal phone calls while studying? Do you find that a lot of time has passed while you aimlessly browse the web? No matter what is wa