
Showing posts from July 17, 2023

"Empowering Rural Degree Students: Unleashing the Potential of 21st Century Challenging Skills"

MS. ANUSHA FROM NIRMAN NGO VISITED COLLEGE TO ENHANCE SKILLS AS  A PART OF CSR IN FEB 2023 2ND YEAR STUDENTS PARTICIPATED IN OUR GFGC GAURIBIDANUR. WRITTEN AND COMPILED BY   SURESH BABU MG Title: "Building 21st Century Challenging Skills for Rural Degree Students: Unlocking Opportunities for Success" Introduction: In today's rapidly evolving world, students from rural areas face unique challenges and opportunities when pursuing higher education. While rural degree students possess invaluable qualities such as resilience, resourcefulness, and a deep connection to their communities, it is crucial to equip them with the necessary 21st century challenging skills.  These skills will enable them to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and competitive global landscape. In this blog post, we will explore the key challenging skills that rural degree students should develop to unlock a w