
Showing posts from July 7, 2022

Do you know about "To do list" to over come procrastination?

  INTRODUCTION : EVERY DAY IN OUR LIFE, WE FACE FIZZY WITH NOT DOING THINGS ONTIME DUE TO NON ORGANIZATION AND EXECUTION OF PLANS ACCORDINGLY. WHO IS NOT AWARE ABOUT THE ROLE OF TIME MANAGEMENT? BUT WHERE TO FIX? THIS ISSUE. THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE. LET US ADDRESS THIS ISSUE WITH TIME MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING THROUGH "TO DO LIST". SOURCES: WIKIPEDIA, YOUTUBE, WIKIHOW, PCMAG.COM. AUTHOR: SURESH BABU MG It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you have a lot on your plate. Between work responsibilities and personal obligations, life can get stressful, and it’s even more stressful when you forget something important. By creating organized to-do lists, you can prioritize the things you need to do, keep track of what still needs to be finished, and feel productive and prepared in all areas of your life. Part 1 Brainstorming Your Tasks 1 Decide what medium works best for you.  If your smartphone is in your hand all day every day, use the Notes application to create your to-do list. If you h