How to enhance students academic performance?


10 Ways to Improve Academic Performance


1. Know the resources available to you
2. Be organized
    • Use a daily planner. Input due dates assignments, projects, events, quizzes and exams as soon as you get them. This will help avoid missed assignments and hopefully assist in steering clear from procrastination.
3. Attend instructor/professor office hours
    • Use MU Connect to sign-up for office hours.
    • Communicate with your instructors. If you have to miss class, let them know ahead of time and find out how to get the material/notes you missed.
    • Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you don’t understand the material or assignments.
4. Use technology to your advantage
    • Set daily screen time limits on your phone specifically with social media apps (ie. set 1 hour limit on IG, Twitter or FB and it will lock you out when you reach the 1 hour mark). You will be amazed how much you can get done if you’re not getting sucked into scrolling on social media all day.
    • Do not disturb mode – people use it on their phone all the time to focus without distraction. As a student, do the same, so people know you can’t be reached because you’re cranking out great work.
5. Learn good study habits
    • Use research-based study techniques: ie. pomodoro technique
    • Develop pre-tests
    • Use spaced practice
    • Develop self quizzes
      • Quizlet is a great resource – You can create digital flash cards to help you study for tests. They have several different features you can use with your deck; you can quiz yourselves by flipping through your deck, match the term with the definition, test yourself using the test feature or the learning feature. 
6. Connect with classmates
    • It is important to connect with other students in your courses because you can learn from one another, share challenges and concerns with the material and overcome them together.
    • Having a peer support system may help alleviate stress.
    • This is an opportunity to network and establish long-term, professional relationships.
7. Do the work
    • Don’t cut corners, especially with textbook reading
    • Don’t skip class
8. Know your limits
    • Don’t take on more than you can handle in terms of campus involvement, organizations, etc. Academics come first. You don’t want to fall behind because of extracurricular activities.
9. Take Care of yourself
    • Take care of your physical health
    • Take care of your mental health
      • Eat healthy, get good sleep, practice meditation, yoga, go on walks, exercise, etc.
    • Visit Mizzou’s Wellness Resource Center


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AFA Test question Paper on 23rd July 2023 at 9 am.