My First Day in College...GFGC GBD...


Final Bcom students of the present batch, participating in the presentation using ICT.

My first day at college was so fantastic that I have never met before. I used to think about the class in college which is different from in high school. The most things that I was wondering is about the course study to get the credit which make me blank and the assignment too.

I was not use to change from high school to college that why I was a little scared when I went into the building, and I saw so many students that I did not know. I was surprised that we have class all day and there are around 150 students in one lecture class. I went to my first class really early so that I could get a seat close to the teacher to record the class and meet my classmate. Fortunately, there were some students that I knew from high school. Therefore, the class is not so scaring anymore and everything is seemed to be better than before. Now is one another thing, I did not realize that college’s student could wear whatever they want; it doesn’t matter with the uniform. But except one, is about your ID card, you have to put it on whenever you are in college, if you don’t, you won’t be allowed having the class, so it totally different to compare to high school. Related to this, the college contains only two sections for one morning, each section last two hours. And we have fifteen minutes for having the break time. After that, I went to my next class. As I was walking, I tried to make new friends with the other students. The morning class is finished; I stayed at college and had lunch with my classmates. We had a lot of things to talk about. Most of my classmates are from the other provinces in Cambodia.

After lunch, we went to the library for finding some documents. One o’clock in the afternoon, the class started again, so now it is easier for us to share some ideas for our lesson which is so complicate because we already had known to each other.

One whole day of my first in college was so wonderful. I had known a lot of good friends; they are so good at studying. I think college is going to be the great experience; I will learn and get a lot of knowledge from this wonderful land. I hope this knowledge is going to help in my future.


Rumana said…
As Iam Reading, I am remembering the first day of college, it's a unforgettable memories, Thank you sir.

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