how to do business without investment for college students... GFGC GBD 1st June 2022


Top 8 Business Ideas Without Investment for Students

Niku MandalNiku Mandal
May 29, 20227 min read
Top 8 Business Ideas Without Investment for Students

We live at a time when having the dream of being an entrepreneur is a good dream to have. The digital world has given us many opportunities which we can utilise and make our dream of entrepreneurship come true. Sometimes starting early is a good thing. So, it is not something wrong to look for ideas of entrepreneurship while you are just a student.

Students are filled with an enormous amount of energy and passion. If they get the right direction and motivation, then they can outperform themselves. A student just needs the right mould which shapes them into the right piece.
Students look for business ideas as they want to start their own business to earn quick bucks and experience which will later turn them into successful people.

We live in the century of technology, where with one click you can earn thousands of dollars, but you require the right skill and knowledge. With the right method, you can earn your pocket money or you can even give some gifts to your parents. There are only two rules for a student to start their online business without investment. First, identify the talent that you want to sell and showcase to the world. Secondly, the right medium to showcase your talent to the world. There are numerous methods available to start a business online and a few of the leading and proven business ideas for students without investment which are listed below, have shown astonishing value creation.

Interets Level of Students in Entrepreneurship
Interets Level of Students in Entrepreneurship

In this article, we will talk about all those business ideas for students that requires zero investments. So, let's get started.

Become a YouTuber
Create a Group or Page in Social Media
Online Seller
Start Blogging
Be an Agent
Start a PR Agency
Be a Freelancer

Become a YouTuber

Yes, posting an amazing video of your singing, acting, dancing talent or making any quality content video on YouTube can generate you plenty of opportunities. Posting videos on YouTube cost zero but requires plenty of talent to create a viral video that has the potential to become the next sensation. But once you have the viral video content then the viewers will start to increase and then you have the opportunity to earn money by endorsing the brands. Many successful YouTubers are generating filthy money with quality content. Some are on an edge of becoming a celebrity and some are a millionaire. YouTube is a great platform to bring a particular niche in front of the world. Three hundred hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute and almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every single day. YouTube gets over 30 million visitors per day. So you can understand the power of being a Youtuber.

Create a Group or Page in Social Media

If you live to spend your time on social media and you have plenty of friends on social media, then don’t waste your valuable time on ideal chit chat and start turning your fan following into a business opportunity. Create a group or page of your interest and add your friends to it and it will act as a golden chance to do brand promotions and advertisements. Creating a group or page gives you an opportunity to use affiliate marketing as a tool to earn money from different online e-commerce websites.

Online Seller

The easiest and simple way to earn money is by selling viral products on e-commerce websites, like eBay, Flipkart, Amazon, etc. If you have the talent for hunting good and in-demand products which are daily used by consumers then start selling your stuff online right now. Suppose, if you have the talent of creating personalized t-shirts, gifts, etc, then click the picture of your product and post it on the e-commerce website and if you are good at it then your products will be sold out within a few days. Moreover, selling online is hassle-free as many e-commerce giants provide sellers with an opportunity to collaborate with them and sell their products with ease. From inventory management to shipping products and product photoshoots, all the services are provided by the online shopping portal. This is one of the great potential online business ideas without investment in India for students to generate excellent income.

Start Blogging

If you have some piled-up thoughts inside you and you know the way to narrate them with correct words, then opt for the method of blogging instead of writing dairy. Publish some interesting stuff that you like and with which readers can connect. However, blogging is totally free on any platform, you will get brand proposals if you go for the paid domain and good hosting with very a professional interface and posting quality content. Blogs are a good source of income and kind of best online business for students without investment.

In the initial stage, it will take time to get traffic to your blog, but slowly and steadily you will see a remarkable response from it. Think of a particular niche in which you are good. Do some keyword research to see the correct volume of your audience then start publishing two articles daily. This will push your blog into Google’s search engine and traffic will increase. Moreover, after decent traffic, you can publish a sponsored post and can link a Google Ad-sense account to show advertisements on your blog. Advertisements on blogs are a great source of business. This is a win-win business idea for students that will enhance their learning and also create a significant position in society.


You can easily write a book and publish it online to earn regular royalty on your masterpiece. Self-publishing is a real thing now, and there is no age limit. If you have expertise in any area of writing, then write a few thousand words about it and package it into an eBook. If you can write, there is great potential for residual income here (the best kind), especially if you snowball with multiple books. Blogging and writing can be done simultaneously. An article which is a great source of information for all internet users can be converted into an e-book and can be featured on various online e-book platforms. You can even sell that E-book through your own blog. This business idea is mostly adapted by upcoming writers. If you as a student want a wealthy career in writing then start with this idea today.

Be an Agent

You can easily start a company and offer multiple services to people by being an agent. For an, start a babysitting agency online. Where you get in touch with the students who want to offer the babysitting services and on the other hand with the parents who regularly want the babysitters. So, by this, you can earn a commission from both sides. It’s like an online placement agency, where you can earn quick cash by juggling your contacts. Not just babysitting you can even start with a brokerage for renting or selling out flats to potential buyers. On successful brokerage, you earn a handsome amount of money.

Start a PR Agency

You can start a PR agency, it's not like you are going to deal with big media houses like big newspapers or TV Channels but you can easily partner with local news blogs or niche blogs (which include people with a huge following on social media) and find people who need publicity among a particular set of people. The process is simple:

  • You have to first find a client, it can be a shop in your locality, an online businessman in your contact, an event which is going to happen, and others.
  • Contact all the people who come to your mind. Ask them if they would be interested in the market of their product. Do not finalize the price on the spot.
  • Make a list of all the resources (Blogs, Instagram Page, etc.) to market their product, contact those people and ask if they can feature your content which will include a little promotion. They may ask you for money but you can also crack a barter deal by providing quality content for them.
  • Decide how much you want to take from your clients and make money.
    This is just one function of a PR Agency, you can take on a lot of projects from different clients who want to market their products. Once you have a good contact list of both, the bloggers and the clients, you can easily make a good strategy to make your business big.

Be a Freelancer

If you like to be your own boss and want to work under your own conditions, then be a freelancer and work as you want. There are numerous websites available where potential buyers advertised for freelancers and you can easily sign up for the job and earn some amazing money. There are websites for freelancers who can take work from numerous potential customers. These websites are easy to use and free to sign up for. No fees or charges are levied on undertaking any work.

Some websites pay you on per hour basis and some are on a contract basis. There is no restriction and no bar to earning and learning as much as you want. Becoming a freelancer is currently a profession which is chosen by many top entrepreneurs and conglomerates. However, this is the best and ideal business idea without investment for students who want to make a good living during their student life.


There are plenty of ways to earn money and still, you will have time for your studies. So, don’t waste your energy and talent, and start generating some money and creating a strong base for your prosperous future. Starting your own business is a great option, with some proper skills and techniques, you can use them for your good and make your journey of entrepreneurship worthwhile.


Rumana said…
This blog contains number of opportunities to become an entrepreneur ,Thank you sir for sharing this blog.

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