
How Students and Teachers should behave? Read both to accelerate growth..

  How to Behave with Your Teacher  0 Recently, I have taken the test of my two old students. Test was of checking their behavior. You know, I always stress on moral ethics in education. There is not any success of teacher if he will not generate moral ethics in students. So, before explaining the steps of good behavior with teacher, I am explaining my test story. Few days ago, I gave a great offer to my old students who are 12th pass. I told, I will give Rs. 5000 pension at the end of every month if they will do 12 hours free duty of my  business  for 12 months. At that time, both were agree for 10 hours but I was saying of 12 hours. So, I went their home. After 3 days, I went to their home, both were agree with my offer. But, I was not agree because offer was valid 3 days ago. When they had listened these words, they were saying, " I am backing out of my words. I was speaking lie." But it was totally my test. It is the checking of behavior of students. I gave small greed and

How to learn, unlearn, and relearn? For students

  STARTING Growing you How to learn, unlearn, and relearn? Unlearn:   To discard (something learned, especially false or outdated information) from one's memory.   Relearn:   To learn (something) again. The world we are living in is fast and dynamic, where change remains the only constant thing. So, to change,   what is important is the attitude to learn. Alvin Toffler   is credited for saying:   “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn" .    A new year often heralds a host of exciting changes: resolutions, renewed hope, and, most importantly, new opportunities to learn. Few things excite us more than lifelong learning. However, the global lockdown outlook has made us to rethink. While they say you learn something new every day, if current trends continue, the post lockdown might be the era of unlearning. For many of us, this will sound immediately counterintuitive. Unlearning. It just feels

success formula in life

  5th september, 2016 Students visited Mantri Mall Bangalore as part of Industrial Visit along faculties. What’s the Formula for Success?  Goals + Habits      Each of us has something we want to achieve in life. If you’re an entrepreneur, maybe you want to build a successful business. So would you like to know the secret formula for success in your personal life? Well, here it is ( and it’s really not a secret at all ): Successful people set goals and they develop and maintain the habits necessary to achieve them. Goals + Habits The two variables in the success equation are: goals + habits. While goals provide a sense of direction and help you focus, effective habits give you the mental discipline to reach your goals. If either variable is missing, the success equation simply doesn’t add up. Conversely, when you improve your goal setting skills and form good habits, success rises. Here’s a closer look at each variable in the success equation. Goals:  The X Factor Goals are consciously-