How Students and Teachers should behave? Read both to accelerate growth..


How to Behave with Your Teacher

Recently, I have taken the test of my two old students. Test was of checking their behavior. You know, I always stress on moral ethics in education. There is not any success of teacher if he will not generate moral ethics in students.

So, before explaining the steps of good behavior with teacher, I am explaining my test story. Few days ago, I gave a great offer to my old students who are 12th pass. I told, I will give Rs. 5000 pension at the end of every month if they will do 12 hours free duty of my business for 12 months. At that time, both were agree for 10 hours but I was saying of 12 hours. So, I went their home. After 3 days, I went to their home, both were agree with my offer. But, I was not agree because offer was valid 3 days ago. When they had listened these words, they were saying, " I am backing out of my words. I was speaking lie." But it was totally my test. It is the checking of behavior of students. I gave small greed and both were captured in this greed. I had not given written promise. Moreover, this was the offer of that day. After few days, student felt sorry. I already forgave them. But, I am telling to you. Teacher can take the test such way.

As a teacher I have power to give Rs. 5000 pension every month if any student learn from me for one year. But before this, he has to clear my test. My test is of checking the behavior of my student. I need not greedy students whose mind first on the reward instead of my given education.

I will happy if students' behavior will be below

Dear teacher, thanks for your given great offer.

  1.  We are ready to work under you. It is also our education. But we can not take the pension of Rs. 5000 every month after one year because you are our past teacher and now, you are taking help from your business. We think, this will be our practical training. If any teacher gives practical training, he has right to get from us instead giving to us. We know, some practical things can be learnt during practical work. We are nothing. All hard work is your. 
  2. At the time of duty, we will do 100 of mistakes in 12 hours and in 365 days. You will spend your time on us for correcting our 100 mistakes. It will also be risky for your business because we are totally fresher. 
  3. Moreover, we think, you are taking our test because we know, you are against of spending leisure time and getting money Rs. 5000 from this. With this, we will become lazy. So, we do not want to become lazy in the life. If after one year training, if you think, we have become capable to help practical to your business without your support, you can give anything to us but if you think, still, we need more learning, we will have no right to get anything from you. 

Following are the Steps you can take for Good Behavior with Your Teacher.

1. Keep Discipline

Every good teacher demands discipline from his students. It means, you should listen your teacher peaceful. Follow his order. Ask the question when teacher will allow you to speak. Ask question in positive manner and with peaceful way. Students should control their emotions. If there will be discipline in the classroom, teacher will be happy and he will teach more than what you expect from him or her.

2.  Respect Your Teacher 

Respect for your teacher is necessary. If you will respect your teacher from your heart, your understanding level will increase because teacher will give you more support than giving support to other student because it is basic need of teacher. If you will say good morning or good evening. Thank you or good wishes to your teacher on different great times, your teacher will think you as your own and transfer the great powers of knowledge to you.

3. Do not Interrupt When Teacher is Teaching 

Interruption is so bad when teacher is teaching. Teacher has to do hard work of long period for converting difficult topics into your learning level. When he is presenting, your duty is to receive it peacefully. If you provide the peaceful environment of learning, it will be sign of your good behavior.

4. Be Humble for Getting  Motivation for Learn More 

Your behavior should be like a student who is getting motivation for learn more. More you will learn, more your teacher will happy. Proud on your teacher's extraordinary knowledge and IQ. When you will become humble, you will get same extraordinary knowledge and IQ from your teacher.

Behaviors of good teachers

Adapted from the American Association of Higher Education Bulletin, 1987

Good teachers know how to bring out the best in their students, but it’s not magic and it’s not just about popularity.  Here are some of the “tricks” good teachers use:

Encourage high expectations

  • Set challenging goals for learning.
  • Make expectations clear both orally and in writing.
  • Set consequences for non-completion of work.
  • Encourage students to write and speak well.
  • Discuss class progress.
  • Communicate importance of high academic standards.

Encourage cooperation among students

  • Ask students to explain difficult concepts to each other.
  • Inquire into students’ interests and backgrounds.
  • Encourage students to prepare together for class.
  • Allow students to critique each other’s work.
  • Create study groups and project teams.

Emphasize timeliness

  • Expect students to complete assignments promptly.
  • Estimate and communicate the amount of time to be spent on tasks.
  • Encourage rehearsal of oral presentations.
  • Encourage steady work and sensible time management.

Give prompt feedback

  • Provide sufficient opportunities for assessment.
  • Prepare classroom activities (for example, active learning exercises) that give immediate feedback.
  • Return graded assignments within one week.
  • Give detailed evaluations of work starting early in the term.
  • Give a pre-test at the beginning of the course to assess students’ background in the subject.

Encourage student-instructor contact

  • Adopt a demeanor that communicates that you are approachable.
  • Welcome students to drop by your office. Respect diverse talents and ways of learning.

Encourage student involvement

  • Use diverse teaching activities. Encourage active learning. Ask students to present work to the class.
  • Ask students to relate outside events to class material.
  • Give students real-life situations to analyze.
  • Use simulations and role-playing in class.
  • Encourage students to challenge course material.
  • Be sure to make clear that showing disrespect to you or other students is not appropriate.


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