
Who the good student is?...GFGC GBD 26thMay2022

  someone who respects everyone, follows the rules and is eager to learn. In order to succeed in life, an individual must be a good student. A good student may not be a topper with high IQ level. On the contrary, a good student is the one who is endowed with abundant positive personality traits and essential skills. Some of the qualities possessed by good students are: Self-Discipline Discipline is a must in a student’s life. This quality helps them in handling their work, maintaining regularity in work and in managing their time well. Diligent A student should be determined towards studies or any work allotted to him. He should be ready to work hard in order to achieve his laid objectives. This is one quality that keeps the student consistent and eliminates procrastination. Punctual Time is money so every student must value time. It is not an easy job to become punctual, but those who get hold of this trait are successful in their lives. Being in the class on time and doing homework a

Exam-writing techniques for students....GFGC GBD 26th May 2022

  Exam-writing techniques The best way to do well in exams is to make sure you are well prepared and have done your revision. For help, see our advice on  Revision strategies and memory techniques . For online assessments it is especially important to plan your time during the assessment period and to ensure that you stay focussed on your exam (see our pages on dealing with distractions). Choice of questions You may be given a choice of questions to answer. Make sure you: Read all your options carefully before choosing Don't pick a question which contains any terminology you do not fully understand Write down a few notes and ideas if you are torn between a couple of questions- this should help you see which questions you could write a better answer for Underline any command words or limiting words in the question to make sure you focus on the specifics of what you are being asked. Essay Style exams These exams will often give you a choice of questions to answer, all of which requir

how to learn spoken english quickly by students in a college..GFGC GBD 25th May 2022

  How to learn English quickly: 10 tips English is a fun language to learn ( here are 9 reasons why it rocks ), and even though it’s considered an accessible and relatively easy one to learn, with  750,000 words  and  spelling that can throw off even the most skilled learner , learning English fast can seem impossible. But I’m here to tell you that it isn’t – as long as you have the right strategy. Here are our top tips on how to  learn English  quickly: 1. Read everything you can get your hands on Classic literature, paperbacks, newspapers, websites, emails, your social media feed, cereal boxes: if it’s in English, read it. Why? Well, this content will be full of juicy new vocabulary, as well as a fair amount you already know. This helps you improve quickly, as re-exposure to learned vocabulary gives you new examples in context, therefore reinforcing those words in your mind. On the other hand, learning new words and expressions is essential to building your vocabulary arsenal, partic

how to not cheat others by Students...GFGC GBD 25th May 2022

  11 Ways to Prevent Cheating in Schools Share This Article           July 2nd, 2019 | 8 min. read Subscribe Bri Stauffer For nearly 10 years, Bri has focused on creating content to address the questions and concerns educators have about teaching classes, preparing students for certifications, and making the most of the AES curriculum system.      Print/Save as PDF In working with teachers for more than 30 years, one of the most common frustrations we hear across the board is the fact that  students cheat to get ahead . Unfortunately, this isn’t a recent problem. Academic dishonesty has been around since before anyone can remember. And even though this is a problem with seemingly no solution in sight, we’ve got some ideas to help you make some changes in your school. These 11 strategies are proven to help prevent cheating in the classroom, and they can work for you too. But before we get into the list of strategies, take a moment to think about why your students may be cheating their w