Exam-writing techniques for students....GFGC GBD 26th May 2022


Exam-writing techniques

laptop and desk

The best way to do well in exams is to make sure you are well prepared and have done your revision. For help, see our advice on Revision strategies and memory techniques. For online assessments it is especially important to plan your time during the assessment period and to ensure that you stay focussed on your exam (see our pages on dealing with distractions).

Choice of questions

You may be given a choice of questions to answer. Make sure you:

  • Read all your options carefully before choosing
  • Don't pick a question which contains any terminology you do not fully understand
  • Write down a few notes and ideas if you are torn between a couple of questions- this should help you see which questions you could write a better answer for
  • Underline any command words or limiting words in the question to make sure you focus on the specifics of what you are being asked.

Essay Style exams

These exams will often give you a choice of questions to answer, all of which require an essay style response to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding. You will be expected to provide evidence to support the points you make, and structure your response and communicate your thoughts in a clear, concise and logical way. Pay careful attention to any word limits or other instructions provided on the paper.

Short answer exams

With a short-answer exam paper, you are likely to have several questions to answer. Questions which carry more marks will require more detail and more of your time. Make sure you leave yourself enough time to answer these

Answering Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Answering MCQ exams is very different to essay based exams. Often the marks are evenly weighted for all the questions, however, some are bound to take you longer than others to answer.

  • Read the instruction carefully.
  • Read through all the questions quickly answering all the ones you definitely know first and leaving the hard ones until last.
  • Try to think of the answer before you look at the choices.

 Working with formulas and equations

Write down any working out in a clear logical order- it could get you some marks even if your final answer is wrong. If you find yourself running out of time and unable to work through to the answers, write down which formulas you would have used to get there. 

Tackling Exams - Advice from the examiner

The tips below may seem obvious, but reading them through now will help you to remember them when writing your exam.


Make sure you are clear about how many questions you need to answer. If questions are divided into multiple sub-questions check whether you have to answer any one of the sub-questions or all of them. Check the back of the paper for further questions/sections.


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