
How to become a CA In India? 24th May 2022 GFGC GBD

  How to become a CA In India?  -  Students are always looking forward for courses which seem interesting and help them earn a good amou nt as well in future. It is well accepted that choosing a career is a great deal for all, be it a bright student who always secured the top position, or an average one who had to struggle at every point. All educational fields have a variety of courses from the ones that everyone eyes for, to those which becomes the last choice. Chartered Accountancy is one such course for commerce students that tops the list of professions aimed for by most. The course involves a lot of complexities and here, its an attempt to simplify the same for aspiring candidates so that going through the article below clarifies the picture. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ( ICAI ) is the conducting body for Chartered Accountancy course which includes three stages of exams and training as well. Know About Low-Cost Professional Courses For Commerce Students After

How to write a SWOT Analysis for a student to achieve goals?24th May2022

  How to write a SWOT Analysis for a student to achieve goals? How to start an academic SWOT analysis? Identify your strengths and weaknesses, leverage opportunities and counteract the threats. SWOT analysis is a common term that students might have come across many times. The SWOT's full form is Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The key importance of SWOT analysis for a student is to help achieve a clear picture of where we stand. Besides, the analysis also helps students to identify areas of improvement and goal settings. Doing a SWOT analysis for oneself is not an easy task and required thought. In this article, we will read about what is a SWOT analysis? How to create a SWOT chart for students? Table of Contents What is SWOT Analysis for Students? Importance of SWOT Analysis How to Write SWOT Analysis for Students? Uses of SWOT Analysis for Students What is SWOT Analysis for Students? As described, SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threa

How to learn anything fast...

  Whether it’s a   new technology , a foreign language, or an advanced skill, staying competitive often means learning new things. Nearly two-thirds of U.S. workers have taken a course or sought additional training to   advance their careers , according to a March 2016   study   by Pew Research Center. They report that results have included an expanded professional network, new job or different   career path . ADVERTISEMENT Being a quick learner can give you an even greater edge. Science proves there are six ways you can learn and retain something faster.       How to learn anything fast...23 1. TEACH SOMEONE ELSE (OR JUST PRETEND TO) If you imagine that you’ll need to teach someone else the material or task you are trying to grasp, you can speed up your learning and remember more, according to a  study  done at Washington University in St. Louis. The expectation changes your mind-set so that you engage in more effective approaches to learning than those who simply learn to pass a test