Unveiling the Reasons Why Degree Students Struggle to Learn Quickly and Neglect Knowledge


Salvin Info Systems Mr Dilip and Team addressed students about the importance of certificate course which will be held during weekends in our GFGC Gauribidanur to benefit over 300 students of final year Bcom. Dr Madhusudhana Reddy Coordinator, Prof. Manjunath, Prof.Ramesh GK, Mr. Suresh Babu are the faculty and Principal M Shivanna were present on the occassion on 19th July 2023.
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                   Students of final Bcom were the beneficiaries of this event.



20TH JULY 2023

'Unveiling the Reasons Why Degree Students Struggle to Learn Quickly and Neglect Knowledge'

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Introduction: Obtaining a degree is a significant milestone in a person's academic journey. It signifies the culmination of years of study, dedication, and hard work. However, despite the extensive duration of their education, many degree students are often criticized for their perceived lack of quick learning and negligence towards knowledge acquisition. In this blog, we aim to explore some of the reasons why degree students may struggle to learn quickly and appear negligent, shedding light on the underlying factors that contribute to these perceptions.

Overemphasis on Grades: One of the primary factors behind the slow learning process among degree students is the emphasis placed on grades. In pursuit of high marks, students often resort to rote memorization and superficial understanding, focusing solely on meeting the requirements of the examination. Consequently, they fail to engage deeply with the subject matter, hindering their ability to grasp concepts quickly and retain knowledge for the long term.

Packed Curriculum: Another challenge faced by degree students is the overwhelming workload and the pressure to cover a vast amount of material within a limited timeframe. With multiple subjects and assignments to juggle, students may struggle to dedicate sufficient time and attention to each topic. As a result, they may rush through the material, compromising their understanding and retention of crucial information.
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Passive Learning Approaches: Traditional lecture-style teaching methods, which are still prevalent in many degree programs, often promote passive learning. Students are expected to passively absorb information without actively engaging in critical thinking, discussion, or practical application. This approach can diminish students' motivation and hinder their ability to connect concepts, leading to slower learning and a lack of enthusiasm for the subject matter.

Lack of Relevance: Students often perceive a disconnect between their degree program and real-world applications. When they fail to see the practical significance of what they are learning, they may become disinterested and neglectful. By bridging this gap and highlighting the real-life relevance of the subjects, educators can foster a greater sense of curiosity and motivation among degree students.

Distractions and Time Management: The digital age has brought forth numerous distractions, making it increasingly challenging for students to maintain focus and manage their time effectively. Social media, online entertainment, and other digital temptations can divert students' attention away from their studies, leading to negligence and slower learning. Developing effective time management skills and adopting strategies to minimize distractions can greatly enhance students' learning efficiency.
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Individual Learning Styles: Every student has a unique learning style, and traditional educational systems often fail to accommodate these differences. Some students may struggle to grasp concepts quickly due to a mismatch between their learning style and the teaching methods employed. Recognizing and catering to diverse learning styles can help students overcome their challenges and improve their learning speed.

Here are five suggestions to help degree students overcome the challenges of slow learning and negligence:

Foster Active Learning: Encourage students to actively engage with the material by incorporating interactive teaching methods. Instead of relying solely on lectures, incorporate discussions, group activities, case studies, and hands-on projects. This will promote critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Enhance Relevance: Connect the theoretical concepts taught in the classroom to real-world applications. Provide examples, case studies, and practical exercises that illustrate the relevance and importance of what students are learning. By demonstrating the practicality of their knowledge, students are more likely to be motivated and engaged in the learning process.

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Develop Effective Study Skills: Teach students effective study skills and time management techniques. Provide guidance on how to prioritize tasks, create study schedules, and break down large amounts of information into manageable chunks. By developing these skills, students can optimize their study time, improve focus, and overcome distractions.

Personalize Learning: Recognize and accommodate different learning styles and preferences among students. Offer diverse learning resources such as visual aids, audio recordings, interactive online platforms, or hands-on experiences. By tailoring the learning experience to individual needs, students can better grasp concepts and accelerate their learning process.

Emphasize Depth over Breadth: Rather than rushing through a wide range of topics, encourage a more in-depth exploration of fewer subjects. This approach allows students to develop a deeper understanding of the material, make connections between concepts, and retain knowledge for the long term. By focusing on depth rather than breadth, students can cultivate a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

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