"Deep thinking technique for problem solving skills - degree students"


  • Three Ways to Think Deeply at Work by David Rock: This article explores how brain science can help us improve our problem-solving skills by using three techniques: distracting ourselves, prioritizing four hours of uninterrupted time, and practicing attention training. The article also includes some practical tips and examples of how to apply these techniques in the workplace. Some of the key points are:

    • Distracting ourselves can help us access our non-conscious mind, which can process more information and generate better solutions than our conscious mind.
    • Prioritizing four hours of uninterrupted time can help us focus on the most important and complex tasks, and avoid the distractions and interruptions that lower our cognitive performance.
    • Practicing attention training can help us improve our ability to switch between different modes of thinking, such as focused, creative, and strategic.

  • What It Takes to Think Deeply About Complex Problems by Tony Schwartz: This article argues that modern leaders need to cultivate the capacity to see more, rather than relying on simple answers and binary thinking. The article suggests three core practices to increase the complexity of our thinking: forever challenge your convictions, seek out diverse perspectives, and envision multiple scenarios. Some of the key points are:

    • Forever challenging your convictions can help us overcome confirmation bias, which makes us seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs and ignore evidence that contradicts them.
    • Seeking out diverse perspectives can help us broaden our view and consider different angles and stakeholders when addressing a problem.
    • Envisioning multiple scenarios can help us anticipate the possible consequences and implications of our decisions over time.

  • The Power of Deep Thinking: Essence of Creativity by Scott H. Young: This article explains how deep thinking is the essence of creativity, and how we can learn to think differently and deeply by following four steps: questioning assumptions, reasoning from first principles, connecting unrelated ideas, and creating something new. The article also provides some examples and exercises to practice these steps. Some of the key points are:

    • Questioning assumptions can help us challenge the status quo and discover new possibilities.
    • Reasoning from first principles can help us break down complex problems into their fundamental elements and build up original solutions from scratch.
    • Connecting unrelated ideas can help us generate novel combinations and insights that cross disciplinary boundaries.
    • Creating something new can help us express our unique vision and share it with others.

  • 11 Struggles of Being a Deep Thinker in the Modern World by Anna LeMind: This article describes some of the common challenges and struggles that deep thinkers face in the modern world, such as feeling misunderstood, being overwhelmed by information, having high expectations, being prone to overthinking, and finding it hard to fit in. The article also offers some advice and encouragement for deep thinkers to cope with these difficulties and embrace their gifts. Some of the key points are:

    • Feeling misunderstood can be alleviated by finding like-minded people who share your interests and values, and by communicating your thoughts clearly and respectfully.
    • Being overwhelmed by information can be managed by filtering out irrelevant or low-quality sources, and by focusing on one topic at a time.
    • Having high expectations can be balanced by being realistic and flexible, and by recognizing your achievements and strengths.
    • Being prone to overthinking can be reduced by taking action, trusting your intuition, and practicing mindfulness.
    • Finding it hard to fit in can be overcome by being authentic, confident, and open-minded, and by appreciating your uniqueness and contribution.


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AFA Test question Paper on 23rd July 2023 at 9 am.