What is Respect?


INTRODUCTION: Don't we listen quite often from elders and others insisting over and over on this subject? i.e, RESPECT. Let us know more about it today with the reference to this article, your duty after reading it, Inculcate respecting everyone around you and especially your parents .

Webliography: Google, YouTube, Twinkle, Kidshelpline etc.


Learn all about respect and why it’s important to treat others with respect with this useful Teaching Wiki page. You’ll find a range of respect quotes for kids as well as links to resources to support your teaching on the topic.

What is respect?

Respect is a positive way of treating or thinking of someone. It involves recognising their value and importance as a human being and treating them accordingly.

Being respectful of other people is an important value. Showing respect means demonstrating a concern for people you interact with and treating them as equals. You probably show respect in several ways on a daily basis, for instance, when you:

  • Listen to others when they’re speaking
  • Play fair
  • Use manners when you address people
  • Wait your turn
  • Give someone a compliment
  • Tidy up after yourself

How can we show respect to others?

  • By treating others how you would like to be treated
  • By thinking about the feelings of others
  • By celebrating similarities between people
  • By being aware of the talents and qualities other people possess
  • By listening to the thoughts and feelings of others
  • By celebrating differences between people
  • By being proud of the achievements of others

Respect quotes for kids

Below are a collection of respect quotes for kids to inspire respect in your classroom:

'Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves.’ – U. Thant

This quote from U. Thant, third secretary-general of the United Nations from 1961 to 1971, underlines the inherent value of all humanity. It advocates respect as an essential quality in all relationships and encounters we have with others and ourselves.

‘Tolerance only for those who agree with you is no tolerance at all.’ – Ray Davis

Tolerance is one’s capacity to endure the actions, thoughts or opinions that are contrary to one’s own. When faced with opposing views, we must all be tolerant to some extent. Tolerance is a sign of respect, and is an essential quality if two or more groups are actively working together to try and understand one another.

This quote from singer Ray Davis highlights the contradiction of claiming to be tolerant of those who agree with you. True tolerance involves hearing opinions you don’t agree with and trying to empathise with them in order to find a solution that benefits everybody. In life, it’s inevitable that we will meet people we disagree with; true tolerance is hearing these opinions and working respectfully to come to an agreement.

‘You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.’ - Buddha

While this quote is often attributed to Gautama Buddha, its real origin is not clear. Still, the quote acts as a loft distillation of an important lesson: treating yourself with respect is essential. This involves self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, self-love and responsibility. When we treat ourselves with respect and recognise our own inherent value, it becomes easier to act compassionately to others.

‘We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.’ - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Here, Martin Luther King, Jr’s. prophetic words provide a reminder of the importance of respect. Acting respectfully is not just a fashion or a fad: the whole of humanity depends on it.

So many wars and conflicts could be averted if their propagators had respect (that is, an understanding of the equal value of all human life) for others. When the truth that all human life is sacred is obscured, it acts as a mandate for conflict and suffering.

‘Who am I to judge what I don’t understand?’ – Unknown

This powerful quote from an unknown source highlights the importance of three words so underused in our vocabulary - ‘I don’t know’. In such a diverse society abounding with different ideas, cultures and customs, it’s impossible for one person to understand even a fraction of how people think.

When we come across views that differ from ours, it’s important that we are not judgemental, but understanding. By judging we create conflict and marginalisation. However, if we accept our ignorance and then try to understand another person’s views, we gain perspective. This allows us to celebrate difference and diversity rather than criticise it.

‘If we lose love and self-respect for each other, this is how we finally die.’ - Maya Angelou

This quote from the American poet and civil rights activist echoes Martin Luther King Jr. Love and self-respect are the lifeblood of human relationships - the vital forces that keep us alive. Fostering these values is essential for humanity to thrive.

More respect quotes for kids:

  • ‘It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it’.
  • ‘Respect people’s feelings. Even if it doesn’t mean anything for you, it could mean everything for them.’
  • ‘I am who I am. Your approval isn’t needed.’
  • ‘Explain your anger rather than acting on it, and you’ll open the door to solutions instead of arguments.’
  • ‘No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.’

Respect discussion topics

Use these respect quotes for kids and the rest of the information on this page to inspire some classroom discussion topics. For instance, you could discuss:

  • How do you treat people with respect?
  • And are there any ways that you don’t?
  • What happens when you treat people with respect?
  • What happens when you don’t treat people respect?
  • How does it feel when somebody doesn’t treat you with respect?
  • Who’s the most respectful person you know? And why is that?    


Naveen Kumar Gk said…
Respect what we go to see in others first we give it to others
Such a manner this blaag
Tells us most freaquent, meaningfully
This blaag have much more valuable words
And also the meaningfull.
When I go to read I aim realize my self....
When I wants respect from others,first I give it to them
Finally super sirr well πŸ’πŸ‘
Unknown said…
Hi sir good morning thank you
Respecte what we go to see in others first we give it to others such a manner this blaag tells us most frequently meaningfully this blaag have much more valuable words and also the meaningfull when I wants respect from others, first i give it to them fially if we lose love and self respect for each other"respect people's feelings"yes sir in the class room in giving of the kids and students and teachers respect...
My self is Ayesha.R Frist b.com.C
Ruksana Banu said…
Good evening sir
This is very useful information to us about how to treat everyone whether they are rich or poor, literates or illitrates,etc., respect depends on once behavior not on their status.
Thank you sir for sharing this blog.
Thank you very much😊.

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