Rights of unpaid seller






ACCORDING to sec45(1) of sale of goods act, seller of the goods is deemed to be unpaid seller:


(A)  WHEN whole of the price has not been tendered or paid, or


(B) WHEN bill of exchange or negotiable instrument has been received as a conditional payment.


section45(2) says The term seller include any person who is in position of seller ,agent who himself pay or is directly responsible for the price 0r an agent of the seller to whom bill of


lading has been endorsed ,or a consignor or agent who himself paid or is directly responsible for the price AND the seller of goods can be deemed to be an unpaid seller:

1. if the price become due but they r not paid. HE Must have an immediate right of action for the price.


2. A BILL of exchange or negotiable instrument was received but was dishonored.



UNPAID Seller has RIGHT:


1. RIGHTS against the goods


2. RIGHTS against the buyer personally


Rights against the goods: can be discussed under two heads:

1.   WHEN property in goods has passed 2.when property in goods has not passed

When property in goods has passed:

following 3 rights are available to the unpaid seller if property in goods has passed to the buyer; (a)RIGHT OF LIEN




Right of lien : is the right to retain the goods until whole of the price of goods is paid or tendered. Right of lien can be excercised:


where goods have been sold without any stipulation to credit.


WHERE goods have been sold on credit but period of credit has expired.


Where buyer has become insolvent, even though the period of credit has not yet expired RULES regarding lien:

1  lien can be excercised if the seller is in possession of goods. unpaid seller can excercise the right of lien   even if the documents of tittle or property in goods have been transferred. if part delivery of goods is  made ,the seller can excercise the right of lien on the remainder .however if the seller has delivered part of goods so as to show an intension to wave the lien.


2.   THE UNPAID SELLER can excercise the right of lien only for price and not for any othr charges


3.     right of lien can be excercised by seller only


4.       UNPAID seller can ecercise the right of lien even if he is in possession of goods as bailee or agent


5.     UNPAID seller cannot excercise the right of lien if he has expressly waived his right f lien.


6.   UNPAID seller does not loses the right of lien even where unpaid seller has obtained decree for the price of goods



Right of stoppage in transit is a right of stopping the goods in transit after the unpaid seller has parted with the goods. if the goods r in transit he has aright to resume the possession of goods as long as they are in the course of transit .this right is available to the unpaid seller only when the buyer become insolvent and when the goods r in transit.


UNPAID seller can excercise the right of lien either- BY taking actual possession of goods.

BY GIVING notice of claim to the carrier or other bailee in possession of goods. And notice can be given either to the principal or to the person in possession of goods.

DURATION OF TRANSIT:GOODS are deemed to be in course of transit from the time they r delivered to carrier or other bailee for the purpose of transmiision to the buyer. the carrier may hold the goods as 1. BUYER' S AGENT 2. SELLer's agent 3.AS AN INDEPENTENT .IN 2 AND 3 HE CAN EXCERCISE THE right of

stoppage in transit.BUT the transit comes to an end

1  if buyer or his agent obtain the delivery before they arrive at the destination


2  if after arrival at the appointed destination the carrier acknowledge the buyer or his agent that he hold the goods on his behalf


3  where carrier wrongfully refuse to deliver the goods to buyer .


3RIGHT OF RESALE: unpaid seller can resell the goods if the goods r of perishable nature

if seller give the notice to buyer of his intention to resell and the buyer does not pay within the reasonable time

if on resale there is loss the seller he can recover from the buyer and if profit must handover to the buyer




WHEN PROPERTY IN GOODS HASNOT PASSED to the buyer, unpaid seller in addition to other remedies has a right of with holding delivery similar coextensive with the right of lien


1SUIT FOR PRICES: WHERE property has passed, the seller can sue for the price


2  SUIT FOR DAMAGES FOR NON ACCEPTANCE:WHERE The buyer wrongfully refuse to accept and pay for goods, seller may sue him for non acceptance


3  Repudiation of the contract due date by buyer: the seller can treat the contract as subsisting and wait till delivery or he may treat the contract as rescinded and sue for damages


4  suit for interest: where there is a specific agreement between seller and buyer as tto interest on the price of the goods from the date the payment become due ,seller can recover the interest from the buyer


Sneha BN said…
Good miorning sir,this blog is useful. how to unpaid seller in goods and rights of unpaid seller more information available in this blog sir,thank you sir sharing this blog
Spoorthi K N said…
Good morning sir thank u for sharing the blog
Supraja S said…
Good morning sir.. thank u for sharing the blog sir valueable information sir..
Umme Salma said…
Good morning sir ....nice blog sir
Yashaswini gr said…
Nice blog with useful info thank you for sharing this blog sir
Rumana said…
Good morning sir,
It's very useful for understanding the concept of Rights of unpaid seller
Thank you sir.
Shek Vahid said…
Wonderful blog sir...
Shireesha mn said…
Thank you sir sharing this blog
Samreen taj said…
Happy morning sir
Thank you for sharing this useful information to us ..
Rakesh KR said…
Good morning sir
Thank you for sharing this blog
Unknown said…
Shruthi KN
Good morning sir thank you for sharing the blog sir this blog is useful
Unknown said…
Good morning sir, Thank you so much for sharing this useful information to us.
Thank u sir for sharing this wonderful information to us it is very much useful to know the rights of unpaid seller.
Ravi Kiran.G said…
Hi Good morning sir thank you sir for sharing valuable information
Vinay said…
Thank you sir sharing this blog.
Vandana KN said…
I heard this topic in today's class it is ver important to everyone.Good information for us
Sreenivasa N said…
Sreenivasa N
Thank you for sharing information
Swathi G said…
Nice Blog sir tq for sharing this blog
Suresha s said…
Good morning sir
It's very useful blog
Regard's to our study's....
Supraja S said…
Rakshita GS
Good morning sir. This blog is very useful sir thank you sir
Sunitha KN said…
Good morning sir, todays class is very interesting and informative thanks to you sir for sharing this information
Rajesh R said…
Good morning sir.
Thank you sir for sharing this blog.

This blog explain the rights of unpaid seller and how seller out come from unpaid transaction.
Vinodha M A said…
Good morning sir,thank you for sharing this information.This information very useful.what is unpaid seller and the unpaid seller is how to face the buyer is not pay amount of seller good.
Shashi kumar p said…
Hello sir good morning, it's very useful for the clarity of the subject. Thank you sir
From: shashi kumar p
College: GFGC gauribidanur.
Sudeep KS said…
Good morning sir,
Thank you sir for sharing this blog pf rights of unpaid seller it is most important and useful for carrier and examination purpose thanks for sharing this wonderful information sir.
Unknown said…
Srinivasa naik
Thank you sir for sharing this information
Shilpa A said…
Good morning sir... Thank you for sharing information very useful......
Anonymous said…
Happy morning sir this blog is very helpful rights of un paid seller and more information for sharing the blog Thank you sir.
Veda kR said…
Good morning sir
Thank you sir share this blog and every information share this group and valuable information
GM sir,,thank u so much for sharing this useful information to us
Sushma AG said…
Thank you for sharing this wonderful blog to know more about unpaid seller, rights of unpaid seller, right against the goods. Than you sir
Sushma said…
Good Marning sir this blog is useful good and Rights more information thank you sir sharing this blog
Ramya D.A said…
Good morning sir thank you for sharing information
Sneha BN said…
Good morning sir
My self Tanuja SR
B.com 3rd year
thank you for sharing such a beautiful blog for us
Anonymous said…
Good morning sirthis blog is useful unpaid seller in goods and rights more information in this blog thank you sir
Ramya D.A said…
Good morning sir thank you for sharing this blog information
Rakshitha v said…
Good morning sir thank you for wonderful information sharing sir the information is sharing rights to unpaied seller and onther one is rights against the goods can be discussed two'hedads thank you sir for sharing more information thank you sir
Sandhya said…
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful information . it's very useful to us.
Shilpa A said…
Shreekanya B N
Good morning sir... Thank you for very useful information
Varsha said…
Good afternoon sir.
My self Varsha V
Firstly I would like to thank you for sharing this blog sir because it's not only useful to us all, it's help all the b com students to learn something and more also it help, who wants become to start a own business or organisation, these are all information should know the a seller as well as buyer.
Thank you sir.
Roopa M A said…
Good morning sir.
Thank you so much for sharing this information. We learn about rights of unpaid seller.

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