
"To Do List" How many of you are following? Result?

  Dear students, at our GFGC gauribidanur,  Introduction:  Question comes in  mind often about your positive change in behavior which is not seen even amongst good students, it's getting teachers across not being very initiative in teaching and learning. You are really missing an opportunity of learning. Be punctual and practice this 'To Do List' for at least next 65 days on a continuous basis. Especially all the class representatives to follow at first and simaltaneously all your freins will follow. Hence I just tried to keep it simple. Expect all the readers to comment with your name, class, section, date now itself. Key Points To be well organized in the workplace, you need to be using to-do lists. By using them, you will ensure that: You remember to carry out all necessary tasks. You tackle the most important jobs first, and don't waste time on trivial tasks. You don't get stressed by a large number of unimportant jobs. Start by listing all of the tasks that you

What are the challenges of education in rural India and how technology can help overcome them?

"Meghana" alumnus pursuing MCom at Maharani's College Bangalore, Sharing her nice experiences with First BCom 'C' section  students in our GFGC Gauribidanur today 11th July 2022. Introduction: 'Rural education system' accounting with low turnout of pro impact and it's the process of finding the solutions is always on anvil. Many reasons could be noted and as the following are the few. Any how you could see a good number of students overcoming all the limitations and proving themselves by achieving good position in the future. It's the negative environment which causes unlearning good things in life.  Suresh Babu MG Bringing down the barriers What are the challenges of education in rural India and how technology can help overcome them For the large majority of the population living in rural areas, education is highly dependent on government-run or aided schools and non-governmental organisations. But rural areas still face various barriers that dire

Do you know about "To do list" to over come procrastination?

  INTRODUCTION : EVERY DAY IN OUR LIFE, WE FACE FIZZY WITH NOT DOING THINGS ONTIME DUE TO NON ORGANIZATION AND EXECUTION OF PLANS ACCORDINGLY. WHO IS NOT AWARE ABOUT THE ROLE OF TIME MANAGEMENT? BUT WHERE TO FIX? THIS ISSUE. THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE. LET US ADDRESS THIS ISSUE WITH TIME MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING THROUGH "TO DO LIST". SOURCES: WIKIPEDIA, YOUTUBE, WIKIHOW, PCMAG.COM. AUTHOR: SURESH BABU MG It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you have a lot on your plate. Between work responsibilities and personal obligations, life can get stressful, and it’s even more stressful when you forget something important. By creating organized to-do lists, you can prioritize the things you need to do, keep track of what still needs to be finished, and feel productive and prepared in all areas of your life. Part 1 Brainstorming Your Tasks 1 Decide what medium works best for you.  If your smartphone is in your hand all day every day, use the Notes application to create your to-do list. If you h