
What is Smart Work?

  Introduction: Several occassions we encounter hard times for solving the very common problems at ease, due to traditional approah that we follow. Hence need to derive various other alternatives to be derived for solving the same problems quickly and efficiently, hence the role of smart Work. Read and explore much about Hard and Smart Work. Comment and share this article. Author: Suresh Babu MG Assistant Professor GFGC Gauribidanur Contact: Webliography: Team Leverage Edu, Google, YouTube etc., Hard Work vs Smart Work: What’s Better? Team Leverage Edu   Updated on   Oct 18, 2021 8 minute read 67.3K views 10 shares   Is hard work better or smart work?  We are always taught that working hard can help us achieve our dreams and aspirations. But finding what’s better between hard work or smart work is quite a debate. Often asked in interviews or  group discussions , we often look for the question of ‘how to answer: the difference between hard work vs smart work’. Read th

Indian Contract Act 1872 Notes Sixth sem Bcom Business Regulations GFGC Gauribidanur

  Essentials of a valid contract Meaning of contract In simple terms, a contract means when two parties put into writing an agreement which contains certain obligations (promises) which are to be performed by such parties, and when such written agreement becomes enforceable by law, it becomes a Contract. Enforceable by law means when the agreement has acquired the force of law only for those who are a party to it and a violation of those obligations would attract legal action, including repudiation of the entire contract. Contract Act defines a Contract as  “An agreement which is enforceable by Law” [i] .  An Agreement is a settlement between two parties, which contains obligations or promises which both parties need to fulfil. When such an agreement is made binding by Law it becomes a Contract. [ii] Therefore an agreement consists of  reciprocal Promises  which are to be performed by parties to the contract. Promises are reciprocal when both parties have to perform something for the o